Letter from SE™ International Board Member, Michael Changaris, PsyD

by | May 4, 2022 | ARTICLES

Dear Global SE Research Community,

Over the past few months, we have had many important happenings in the SE research community. Studies have been started. Progress has been made. And, the research committee convened to establish long-term goals in a strategic planning session. We are now working on the second year of the Peter A. Levine Research Award and are developing a one-day research conference slated for October of this year. All four of our research sub-committees are in motion and momentum is building.

Strategic Planning Session

“The one who plants trees, knowing that he will never sit in their shade, has at least started to understand the meaning of life.”
― Rabindranath Tagore

In early 2022, the SE research committee met in a strategic planning session. The full committee and each sub-committee met and developed core strategic goals. The work was profound, and the committee is developing the framework for building a strong and effective research program into the SE model. The committee is planting trees for the next generation.

One-Day Research Conference

SEI staff and a sub-committee of the research team are working toward offering a one-day research conference online this fall. We hope to share, celebrate and develop the research leadership needed to build the capacity for research in our community. Watch for more information as this conference develops—we hope to see you there!

Committee Recruitment

We are in open recruitment for all committees. Membership on the committee is a one-year term with the option to renew membership for one year.

  • Full SE Research Committee: Build the evidence base to position SE as a leading best practice for trauma resolution and resilience
  • Organizational Collaboration Sub-Committee: Foster collaboration with researchers studying fields impacted by trauma and stress physiology
  • Policy, Governance, and Overall Strategy Sub-Committee: Develop policy and strategy that supports SE research and a research-based approach to training and application
  • Mentorship Community Sub-Committee: Develop research mentorship structures that support SE research at all stages and for a wide range of research skill levels
  • Fundraising Sub-Committee: Increase donations and grant support for SE Research

If you have skills, ideas, or interest in supporting these strategic visions, please consider reaching out to us at research@traumahealing.org.

With gratitude,

Dr. Michael Changaris, PsyD
Research Committee Chair
SEI Board Member