The Peter A. Levine Research Awards
The Peter Levine Somatic Experiencing® Research Awards are annual awards for research excellence into the Somatic Experiencing model. Two research awards for $1,000 will be given annually: a student award for dissertation or thesis research and another for research conducted by professionals in education or practice settings.
2022 is the second year for the award. Applications were received in early 2022 and were reviewed by multiple independent reviewers. The awards were evaluated on four criteria:
- Methodological excellence
- High impact
- Emphasizing Somatic Experiencing methods or primary research implications of Somatic Experiencing model
- Inclusion of culturally responsive research practices.
Numeric scores and reviewer comments were used to identify this year’s winners: Dr. Cacky Mellor (Student Award) and Dilara Öze and Bilge Nuran Aydoğdu (Professional Award).
Award Winners
Student Award Winner: Dr. Cacky Mellor
Research Title: Somatic Reclamation: Exploring the Lived Experience of Word Woundings
Professional Award Winners: Dilara Öze and Bilge Nuran Aydoğdu
Research Title: We Are All in This Together: Coping with Stress During Uncertain Times through Somatic Experiencing
Award Information
The Peter A. Levine Research Awards are granted annually, with a call for applications in the early part of each year and awards announced in the summer or fall.
The SEI Research Committee runs the award process and extends its gratitude to all applicants for their passion for and expertise in research, as well as to reviewers for their willingness to invest time and energy in evaluating the submissions.
This year's winners were celebrated at the SE Research Summit on October 20, 2022. Stay tuned for information on the 2023 awards.