How To Reach Us

Contact SEI Support

Our smaller nonprofit crew wants to help answer your questions and concerns!

  • Your submission reaches our entire organization and gets you in touch with the best person to get you answers.
  • The form options have a purpose and direct your question to the right place.
  • You will be directed to an actual person who will answer you.
  • This is the fastest way to resolve your query.
  • You will receive an immediate confirmation and case number.

*Please note: our media library is available to support your development as an SE™ practitioner with informative video demonstrations. Access to the training demo videos is exclusive to current SEI training program students and SEPs™. To request access, simply click the button to the right and select the Communications/Media option. In the description, kindly specify your cohort, level, location of training, and/or the date you received your SEP™ certificate. This will complete the request form. Please keep in mind that these accounts are set up manually, so please allow five to seven business days for processing. We appreciate your patience and look forward to providing you with access to our valuable resources!

For faster and more efficient responses, kindly click the above button, which will take you to our new Contact Form.

Departmental emails are no longer active.

Talk to Someone on the Phone

Make an appointment to speak with the SEI support team. Appointments are needed as we have a small staff of 3 handling these requests.  This may take longer than submitting your question via the support platform.