Abi Blakeslee
Somatic Psychotherapist, Somatic and Bodywork Practitioner
Dr. Abi Blakeslee is the founder of Implicit Psychotherapy. She is a senior faculty at the Somatic Experiencing International and a legacy faculty for Dr. Peter Levine’s Ergos Institute for Somatic Education. She is the co-founder of Relationship Repair. Dr. Blakeslee holds a Ph.D. in Clinical and Somatic Psychology and is a licensed marriage and family therapist. Her dissertation generated original research on the role of implicit memory in healing trauma. Dr. Blakeslee integrates the study of implicit memory and psychophysiology in clinical research, trauma interventions, and the psychobiological principles of attachment and shock trauma. She treats individuals, couples, children, and families in her clinical practice. Dr. Blakeslee teaches and consults worldwide. She lives in Bozeman, Montana with her husband and enjoys the snow, mountains, and rivers with their three children.
Instructor Level: SE Professional Training Faculty
Teaching In: North America, Australia
Levels Taught: Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced
Sees Private Clients: Yes
Offers Case Consultations and Personal Sessions: Yes