Carlos Eduardo Melo Oliveira
Clinical Psychologist, Massage Therapist
Carlos Eduardo Melo is a clinical psychologist, working as professor and clinical supervisor. Since 1999, he has been working on a daily basis as a private psychologist, and since 1985, has also worked as a body therapist and massage therapist. He studied Body-Oriented Psychotherapy (Bioenergetic Analysis), as well as other Reichian therapies (1988-97).
Having taken the EMDR course (2000), Carlos was able to go deeper into the study and clinical work that deals with the trauma phenomenon. His doctorate dissertation (IMS/UERJ, 2005), exposed the articulation between three important clinical psychoanalysts: Ferenczi, Balint, and Winnicott, regarding the psychosomatic unit of the human being in the relational environment. Those authors have brought back and revitalized the theory of trauma in psychoanalysis. Somatic Experiencing took him back to his body in a very sensitive, gentle, and profound way.
- Offers Individual Case Consults to SE Students
Instructor Level: SE Professional Training Faculty
Teaching In: Europe
Levels Taught: Beginning and Intermediate levels of the SE Professional Training