Glyndie Nickerson
MA, PhD, SEP™, Clinical Psychologist
Glyndie Nickerson is a faculty member at Somatic Experiencing International, and teaches the Beginning and Intermediate years of the SE training, as well as supporting SE students and graduates through group and individual consultations. Glyndie also teaches workshops on SE and spiritual practice, co-regulation, and grief. Trusting and learning from nature and the moment by moment unfolding of the body’s wisdom has been a lifelong fascination and practice, and led to an early engagement with somatic and healing approaches starting in 1993. Glyndie’s SE teaching is informed by current neuropsychological research, the biopsychosocial model, object relations, attachment theory, family systems, Jungian, and relational psychoanalysis perspectives, as well as the creative and spiritual blossoming that curiously often accompanies post-traumatic growth. Her meditation practice anchors her work.
Glyndie is a graduate of Kathy Kain’s touch training, former faculty of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, and formerly a massage therapist & yoga teacher. From her work in community mental health in Western Massachusetts, as well as overseas with tsunami victims, domestic abuse survivors, and ex-political prisoners in India, Glyndie recognizes and supports awareness of collective and personal trauma due to cultural, racial, political, class, sexual orientation, and gender difference as part of the healing process. Facilitating the honoring of one’s own bodily experience against the often louder backdrop of societal conditioning is a passion.
Glyndie and Abi Blakeslee’s article, “The Neurophysiology of Individual and Collective Trauma” was recently published in the journal NeuroPeace. Her doctoral research involved a three-year project working with Tibetan ex-political prisoners in Northern India, exploring autonomic regulation skills in combination with Tibetans’ own Buddhist cultural healing skills.
Instructor Level: SE Professional Training Faculty
Levels Taught: Beginning, Intermediate
Teaching In: North America and Ireland
Sees Private Clients: Yes
Offers Case Consultations and Personal Sessions: Yes