Itta Wiedenmann
Licensed Bodytherapist
Itta Wiedenmann earned her master degree in cultural and social sciences at the university in Hamburg, Germany. For over 25 years, she has worked in private practice as a licensed bodytherapist (trained in PhysioTherapy/PT, Osteopathy, Craniosacraltherapy, Feldenkrais Method, Hakomi, Family Constellation Work, and Somatic Experiencing). She is also experienced in teaching groups in different fields, offering trainings and workshops in techniques of awareness and stress management.
Itta is a founding member of the German SE Association (SE Deutschland e.V.) and was chairwoman till 2005. As member of the faculty of SE International she teaches SE Professional Trainings in Germany and Austria. She is co-founder and director of training of the Institut for Neurotracking® in Munich.
- Offers Individual Case Consults to SE Students
Instructor Level: SE Professional Training Faculty
Teaching In: Europe
Levels Taught: Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced levels of the SE Professional Training