Kavi Alessandro Gemin
Osteopath and Craniosacral instructor
Osteopath and Craniosacral instructor, Kavi is teacher and co-director of the International Institute for Craniosacral Balancing® and faculty member for Somatic Experiencing®.
Kavi Gemin received his Master of Art in 1984 from Istituto d’Arte in Florence, Italy and worked for several years as a designer and art teacher. Trained as an art therapist he worked with adults, children and physically and mentally challenged people. He continued his training as a therapist in various somatic methods, such as traditional massage, deep tissue work, ayurvedic massage and craniosacral biodynamics. Kavi completed his education in osteopathy and received his CO from the Canadian College of Osteopathy.
His further studies include NLP, inner child work, co-dependency and developmental psychology. He is graduated in pre- and perinatal therapy with Ray Castellino, CA, USA and is leading birth process workshops. He also trained in System Centered Therapy®, a method to work with systems and group dynamics developed by Yvonne Agazarian, PA, USA. Kavi holds a certificate in andragogy, adult education, from the SVEB Association (Switzerland) and is teaching fulltime internationally, loving to meet different cultures and language groups.
Kavi’s fascination with Somatic Experiencing® brought him to study with Peter Levine and to receive his SEP certificate in 2001. Since then, he has been assisting and supervising students in Somatic Experiencing®, mostly in Italy, deepening and integrating his understanding of the method. The principles of SE are fully integrated in his teachings as well as in his treatments as a somatic therapist.
As a teacher in the SE training, Kavi brings his experience and love for anatomy, physiology and neurobiology in his classes with clarity, passion and creativity.
- Sees private clients
- Offers Individual Case Consults to SE Students
Instructor Level: SE Professional Training Faculty
Teaching In: Europe
Levels Taught: Beginning and Intermediate levels of the SE Professional Training