Linda Stelte

Linda Stelte


Trauma Counselor, Educator

Linda Stelte is an SE International Faculty Member and a Trauma Counsellor and Educator in Canada. She teaches the Beginning and Intermediate levels of the SE Professional Training in Canada, the US, and Australia, and she offers case consultation at all levels of the SE training.

Linda was introduced to Somatic Experiencing during her graduate work at the University of Victoria in 1998. Since the completion of her graduate degree in 2000, Linda has applied and integrated SE principles into both her clinical practice and her teaching of the Human Development and Counselling courses at City University and Grant Macewan University in Alberta, Canada where she taught for many years.

Since 2014 Linda has been the lead Clinician and teacher in the development of a trauma and attachment home at a residential treatment centre. The children who reside in the treatment Centre have complex early trauma histories combined with various mental health diagnosis. The integration and application of SE principals and interventions has guided the development and formation of this specialised treatment program.

Linda has a clinical practice in her home town of St. Albert, Alberta. For several years she has been contracted to offer clinical support to people who live in an isolated First Nation Community on the West Coast of British Columbia, Canada. Her work with the First Nation Community has profoundly influenced her personal and professional life. In both locations Linda works with people of various ages and cultures.

This on-going experience, combined with her experience of learning and teaching SE, has heightened her passion in using SE to support people as they heal from trauma and continues to inform Linda’s private practice, teaching, and personal life.

Instructor Level: SE Professional Training Faculty
Teaching In: North America, Australia
Levels Taught: Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced
Sees Private Clients: Yes
Offers Case Consultations and Personal Sessions: Yes

Teaching in:

St. Albert, AB

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