Maureen Gallagher
Licensed Psychologist, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner
Maureen is a Licensed Psychologist and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, dedicated to the integration of somatic awareness and somatic intervention with psychotherapy and body work. Maureen brings a broad range of experience and training to her work, including Certifications as a Relational Psychoanalyst and Supervisor, Emotionally Focused Couples Therapist and Supervisor, Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapist and training in Inner Relationship Focusing and Integral Somatic Psychology. In her clinical work she integrates relational psychoanalysis and experiential and process oriented models of attachment theory with somatic psychotherapies. She has maintained a private practice for over 20 years.
Instructor Level: SE Professional Training Faculty
Teaching In: North America
Levels Taught: Beginning, Intermediate
Sees Private Clients: Yes
Offers Case Consultations and Personal Sessions: Yes