Pedro Prado
Body-oriented Psychotherapist, Rolf Instructor
Pedro Prado is a Brazilian native. He graduated with a degree in clinical psychology in 1971 and worked and taught body oriented psychotherapy, in a neo-Reichian somatic approach. In 1981 he got trained as a Rolfer and added the Structural Integration perspective into his practice. He was the first Rolfer® in Brazil and dedicated himself to making Rolfing® available in his country. Pedro founded the Brazilian Association of Rolfers, and became an Advanced Rolfing and Rolf Movement Instructor for the Rolf® Institute, in Boulder Colorado (USA), where he has been teaching since 1991.
In 2000 the Brazilian Association of Rolfers hosted Peter A. Levine and Pedro followed his inquires into the somatic dimension of the psyche, incorporating SE into his practice, and eventually becoming an faculty member for Somatic Experiencing International, where he's been teaching Beginning and Intermediate levels since 2005. Pedro developed a methodology named “Structural Stretches” that integrates the Structural work and the SE approach. Pedro currently maintains a private clinical practice and teaches SE and Rolfing. In 2006 Pedro received a PhD in Psychosomatics.
- Offers Individual Case Consults to SE Students
Instructor Level: SE Professional Training Faculty
Teaching In: South America, Europe
Levels Taught: Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced levels of the SE Professional Training