Ann – Inescapable Attack And Sexual Assault – Intermediate SE™ Level


This demonstration features Diane working with Ann, who was attacked and raped in her apartment at age 24. Ann begins the session by acknowledging the level of immobility she‘s experienced and how she is now becoming aware of her fear. Diane works with Anna‘s under coupled states by encouraging her to give room for being in the moment as well as wanting to leave or disconnect. Diane illustrates the importance of introducing pendulation early in the session, managing the doses‖ of activation and gently reinforcing Ann‘s ability to increasingly return to a more resourced, ventral state. The session also shows how to work around by investigation what might have been missing before or after an event. The demonstration shows many of the autonomic physical shifts of coming out of freeze as well as how that mobilized energy is then available for fight or flight. Diane also addresses how victims may take on perpetuator‘s energy after the boundary rupture of an attack. The session is followed by a twenty minute questions and answer period.

This video is 1 hour and 20 minutes long.
