Tips of Encouraging the Most Body-Phobic/Reluctant Clients to Become Willingly Embodied – Ariel Giarretto, MS, LMFT, SEP, CMT, SSE, SE Faculty

So often I have students reporting that they “can’t do SE” because their clients don’t want to feel their bodies. So they give up trying. This is very unnecessary! This program will provide a number of handy tips of how to achieve “buy in” with the most resistant client.
You will learn:
1. How to establish clear therapeutic goals that give you the consent you need to enter into body exploration
2. Learn a variety of experiential techniques to help make the body a place clients willingly go
3. How to ask beautiful, titrated questions when you encounter ”push back”
4. How to customize a “body access menu” that does not include nor require sensations
This webinar is 2 hours and 6 minutes long.