Beth is housebound with extremely fragile health. During an unusually long intake she shares a lifelong trauma history with numerous challenging and shifting conditions. In classic formulations she would be considered psychosomatic. In Advanced SE parlance she is “syndromal”, compelled by Global High Activation (GHA) and in a Dorsal Vagal Collapse. A notable feature of Beth's presentation is her lack of modulation and significant undercoupling. In her search for healing Beth has enlisted the help of numerous health providers, from within the medical establishment to psychics and other nontraditional practitioners, some of whose efforts are helpful but also, unrecognized by her, often overwhelming due to a lack of sufficient titration. With only one meeting Peter's primary tasks is to help Beth identify the primary strengths that have allowed her to persist through such consistent challenge. For this she identifies her strong will and deep desire to individuate from her overly anxious mother. After a persistent negotiation addressing Beth's fear of internal processing Peter uses the “Vooo” sound as a point of entry into her sensate experience. In tracking after the vooo Peter repeatedly curtails the deflection of Beth's attention keeping her focused following the changes occurring within her, a clear demonstration of the “interruption” that is often necessary when renegotiating GHA patterns. Eventually we see many small signs of increased self‐regulation and coherence, including improved differentiation, settling and the emergence of physical hunger.
This video is 52 minutes long.