This is appropriate for the beginning student or as a review to study classic coupling dynamics. Gisalene experienced a snake‐bite requiring 5 injections of anti‐venom to both legs. Gisalene presents an overcoupling pattern that leads to deep discharge and the restoration of orienting and defensive responses. The discharge allows undercoupled elements to come forward and memories of the event to emerge. This session is valuable for observing timing of pendulation, verbal support, and invoking resources. Following is a short session of Peter demonstrating micromovement with a student who has an overcoupled pattern of neck and shoulder tension. There are very specific explanations from Peter as he works with coupling dynamics and moving between the counter and trauma vortices. Peter emphasizes use of wording. This is an ideal learning session for the basic Somatic Experiencing principles.
This video is 1 hour and 40 minutes long.