Equine Guidance® and the art of presence and Somatic Experiencing in a Group Setting – Belle Shook, MC, NBCC, LPC, SEP, NARM, BCC

Equine Guidance® and the art of presence and Somatic Experiencing in a Group Setting – Belle Shook, MC, NBCC, LPC, SEP, NARM, BCC


Self-work is both science and art. In this webinar, Belle Shook, MC, NBCC, LPC, SEP, NARM, BCC, focuses on the combined arts of Somatic Experiencing® and Equine Guidance® as group work. With horses and in community, humans undergo revelations about relational intelligence, self-trust, and a feeling that Belle describes as “The Art of Presence.”

Equine Guidance® experiences are usually held in one-on-one sessions. Yet, Belle hosted a group with her team of horses (Mimi, Penny, and Salsa) for attendees at a March 2022 conference regarding Somatic Experiencing® techniques (“Returning to Wholeness: From Fixity to Flow”) that dealt with the question: “How do we help ourselves and also help others in these trying times?” One of the answers involves the capacity of horses to enable emotional healing in humans.

The group created deep connections and experienced the quiet coherence offered by these large animals. In addition, attendees gained a deeper understanding of their bodies, the highly refined process of reactivating flow, life resiliency, and deep intuitive intelligence through co-regulation, harmony, synchronization, and the interplay of Psycho-neurobiology.

The embodiment of the Art of Presence, the theme of cooperation, self-regulation, and co-creation to activate our inner healing intelligence emerged as the perfect concurrence of factors for personifying collective witnessing, the restorative process, autonomic self-regulation, and a nervous system reset.

Somatic Experiencing® and Equine Guidance® Group work assimilates radical presence, and outcomes include more profound life resiliency, self-trust, healthy boundaries, and deep relational and intuitive intelligence.

Belle offers listeners answers to questions such as “What is radical presence, and how does this lead to self-trust and a deeper connection to all that is?” and “How will this experience move with me through the rest of my life?”

Join us for this dynamic webinar to meet the congruency, synchronization, and embodiment of the healing achieved in group sessions!

This webinar is 1 hour and 35 minutes long.
