Lessons from the Margins – Zhayra Palma, Mina Do, & Lekha Kanchinadam

This workshop will share lessons from how marginalized communities embody, teach and disseminate SE principles, towards more inclusive frameworks within SEI. Attendees will understand where current frameworks have been previously, historically and presently inaccessible for low-income communities and created barriers for these communities to access this knowledge, training and healing. We will present a clear case for how including individuals from marginalized experiences, especially those from low-income and low-education backgrounds, into leadership will inherently lead to making SE and trauma healing more accessible to marginalized communities. SE practitioners will be inspired to include, apply and integrate some of the models we have offered in their own professional and personal spheres, as well as in collaboration and solidarity with marginalized individuals, families, communities and BIPOC SE practitioners and students. Through critical analysis, SE practitioners will be able to identify opportunities in their immediate practice and in collaborations to make SE more inclusive. Attendees will leave empowered and inspired with a more informed vision of a connected and less traumatized future.