Lisa – Victim Of Physical Abuse By Father With Negotiation Of Unresolved Anger – Intermediate SE™ Level


Raja facilitates the movement of fixated energy patterns triggered by being in front of the group. He uses this pattern of movement, tracking sensation, and educating for several pendulations. This leads smoothly into their discussing Lisa‘s emotional fears and her family background. Raja works from the immediate body fixations through to the more global whole body experience of working with her fear of anger and her anger. He educates the audience and Lisa about anger. Later in the session, Lisa tells us she had a horrible experience with EMDR. Again, Raja is able to educate us and Lisa, using this to provoke Lisa‘s activation and discharge about her father and her fear. It is very skillful. He also uses imagery to further their work. (Be aware: the video recording cuts the session short).

This video is 1 hour and 2 minutes long.
