Using Food to Create Safety for Trauma Healing – Luis Mojica, PSEP, CNC, CLC
In this webinar, Luis will connect the dots between food and trauma response. What we eat can literally turn our trauma responses on or off based on whether or not the meal, or habit, creates a stimulating, balancing, or depressing effect. Integrating nutrition with SE is so important because food becomes, both, a diagnostic tool as well as a medicine. Based on the properties of the foods, we begin learning what state our bodies are in. For example, if I crave chocolate my nervous system is trying to activate. When we use balancing foods along with SE we create a biochemical state of safety in the body, which acts as a grounding foundation to support the techniques and practices of Somatic Experience. We literally learn how to create safety through nutrition because less adrenaline means less trauma response & anxiety. This is a great presentation for practitioners, as well as self-healers.
This webinar is 1 hour and 29 minutes long.