Opening Song and Blessing – Del Laverdure

We will begin by smudging (cleansing) of ourselves and the common space for us (virtual in this case) to create a safe space and healing container for our activities and sharing of spirit. We will thank the indigenous people of this homeland and their ancestors for allowing us to have our healing container. We will have an opening prayer and set our intentions regarding soul, spirit, place, and alignment of our true selves. We will discuss the four directions and four elements in order to have a witness to our words, feelings, and thoughts that we will carry with us for the next four seasons. In addition to a welcoming song, we will align the conference attendees with our seven realms of reflections -above; below; animals; people; spirits; self & family; great mystery of life. It is an ancient welcoming and expressing sincere gratitude for that morning, that day, that moment, and to be present in good thoughts, feelings, and relations.