Practical Tools for Working with Youth – Jenifer Trivelli

Working effectively with young people in the 21st century requires providers and educators to both share meaningful information and offer experiential learning in an intentional and often time-limited approach. Our roles often expand beyond the youth in our care to the other people in their lives; parents, teachers, doctors – people who may not have training in neuroscience and trauma. How can we offer a helpful balance to guide our younger clients towards resilience and educate others who care for them when we may not have much time, and they might not have much interest? In this workshop, discover a digestible blend of practical information from neuroscience, Polyvagal Theory, and Somatic Experiencing to offer youth of all ages and empower them with the understanding to shift their inner experience. You’ll learn one model for presenting this important blend in a format so easy six-year-olds can teach it. You’ll also be offered a specific tool you can use today both preventatively and as an intervention to boost resilience with kids of all ages in schools, clinical settings (private/individual and group), and in your own home. |