Somatic Resolution Skills for Perinatal Trauma – Kate White

We now know that 1 in 3 women report their birth as traumatic. Some studies reports that 1 in 4 women who give birth will express the symptoms of PTSD. Kathleen Kendall-Tackett reports that in studies of birth women used phrases, such as “barbaric,” “inhumane,” “intrusive,” “horrific,” and “degrading” to describe the mistreatment they received from healthcare professionals. For every American woman who dies from childbirth, 70 nearly die. That adds up to more than 50,000 women who suffer “severe maternal morbidity” from childbirth each year. In this workshop, I will introduce a method of helping birthing parents and encourage practitioners to consider helping to prevent and heal birth trauma that combines elements of craniosacral therapy, prenatal and prenatal somatic therapy, and somatic trauma resolution skills. |