From Rock ‘n’ Roll to Reconnecting: My Journey Through SE™ Advanced I

by | Aug 30, 2024 | FEATURED STORIES



When I first signed up for the SE Advanced I training program, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I knew it would be an opportunity to deepen my knowledge of trauma healing, but I couldn’t have imagined just how transformative the experience would be—not just professionally but personally as well.

The course content blew me away. As a therapist, I found the material immediately applicable to my work with patients dealing with mental health symptoms at every level. Whether it's anxiety, depression, or more complex trauma, the tools and insights I gained have already started making a difference in my practice. The content is rich, relevant, and deeply aligned with the realities of trauma work, making it an indispensable addition to my therapeutic toolkit.

But it wasn’t just the course itself that made the experience so impactful. The location of the training played a huge role in my learning. Set in a peaceful, supportive environment, I felt completely at ease to immerse myself in the process. The healthy, in-person learning environment fostered connection, both with the material and with fellow participants, creating a sense of community and shared growth.

Beyond the professional gains, this training helped me move past my own trauma in ways I never thought possible. For years, I’d been searching for something that could help me fill the emptiness I felt. I tried everything—sex, drugs, rock ‘n' roll. I even explored various religions and belief systems. While those experiences provided temporary relief, none of them brought me the peace I was seeking.

It wasn’t until I started working with Somatic Experiencing® (SE) that things began to shift. This training helped me reconnect with my feelings and sensations in a way that was healing rather than overwhelming. I learned how to uncouple my emotions from my trauma responses, and most importantly, I found a sense of acceptance for the things I cannot change. This has been a powerful step toward self-compassion, something I had previously struggled to find without feeling ashamed.

The confidence I’ve gained in myself has not only transformed my personal life but has also made me a more effective therapist. I now bring a new level of empathy, understanding, and presence to my sessions with clients. This training didn’t just expand my skill set; it expanded my ability to connect—both with myself and with others.

If you're considering the SE Advanced I training, know that it’s more than just professional development. It’s an opportunity to heal, grow, and transform in ways you might not expect. For me, it brought everything together—professionally, personally, and spiritually—and I believe it can do the same for you.



Testimonial by SE™ Advanced Student, 2024