Emmanuelle began her healing career in 1993 in Toulouse, as a licensed physiotherapist. Her dedication to holistic...
Listening to the Body: How SE™ Gave Words to What I’ve Always Known
My journey with Somatic Experiencing® (SE™) has been life-changing. I always knew there had to be something...
From Survival to Peace: My Somatic Experiencing® Journey
When I first signed up for Somatic Experiencing® (SE™) training, I thought I was simply adding another tool to my...
Journey into SE™: A Mission to Help as Many People as Possible Heal from Trauma
When I started my journey with SE™ back in 2008, I had no idea it would lead me to becoming Faculty for SEI and be a...
Transforming Trauma: A BIPOC Journey Through Somatic Experiencing®
Our Beginnings When we embarked on our journeys to become Somatic Experiencing® Practitioners (SEP™s), our...
The Power of Somatic Experiencing™: My Journey to Healing and Growth
When I embarked on my Somatic Experiencing™ (SE™) journey, I had no idea how profoundly it would change not...
Performing Arts and Empathy: Healing Childhood Trauma Through Arts and Connection
The complexities of my childhood traumas ranged from being sexually abused to returning to an empty home as a...
Story from SEI’s Organizer in Serbia, Marijana Todorovic, SEP™
On March 22, 2024, the first day of SE training in Serbia, I stood before the students, waiting for the room to...
A Profound Experience on Stage: The Transformative Power of SE™
I recently had the incredible opportunity to participate in a demo with the instructor, Debra, during one of...