Graduation requirements

Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner (SEP™) Certificates


SEP/Provisional SEP Approval Process

STEP ONE: Assemble your SEP approval packet

Assemble a complete SEP approval packet with a cover page and session logs.

  • Completed SEP Cover PageForm
  • Session logs of all hours completed with Approved Providers, including:
    • Date
    • Level
    • Session Type
    • Length in Hours
    • Credit Hours
    • Approved Provider’s name and signature

If the hours logged do not meet these requirements, they will not count toward the hour total. 

STEP TWO: Submit your SEP approval packet

Scan and email your complete packet to

  • Subject Line: “[First and Last Name] SEP Approval” (e.g. “Jordan Smith SEP Approval”)
  • Double check to ensure your session logs and cover page are complete before sending


STEP THREE: Wait for your packet to be processed

Credentialing staff will review and process your packet.

  • Approvals can take three weeks or more to process; incomplete packets extend processing time
  • Keep a copy of your session logs for yourself; SEI is not responsible for lost session logs
  • Your SEP certificate will be emailed to you upon approval; congratulations!
Additional Notes
  • Hours logged that do not meet the requirements will not be counted toward your hour total
  • Please keep all session logs until all your hours have been completed; SEI is not responsible for retaining incomplete logs
  • Find Session Logs and other forms 
Unable to get a signature for credit on your session log?

If you are unable to obtain a signature for credit(s) documented on your Session Log, you will need to provide documented verification along with the Session Log:

  • Document the details of the Personal Sessions and Case Consultations as fully as possible on the available Session Log
  • In place of the signature on the Session Logs, please indicate what type of documented verification is offered (e.g. “see email” for an email documented verification)
    • Email exchanges setting up a Session or Consultation are not documented verification that the Session or Consultation took place and will not be accepted
    • Email exchanges about a Session or Consultation that has already occurred will be accepted as verification.
  • Acceptable documented verification of hours include emails, invoices and receipts
  • Any documented verification needs to include:
    • The credit provider’s first and last name
    • Date credit was received
    • Type of credit received (e.g. Personal Session, Individual Case Consultation, etc.)
    • Level of participant during receipt of credit

Please note that email exchanges setting up a Session or Consultation are not documented verification that the Session or Consultation took place and will not be accepted. Email exchanges about a Session or Consultation that has already occurred will be accepted as verification. 

Find Session Logs and other Forms 

Advanced II Pre-Approval requirements

To submit your SEP Approval Packet for preapproval prior to your Advanced II module you must first be registered for your Advanced II module. Your SEP Approval Packet must also be complete and submitted no later than 6 weeks prior to the start of your Advanced II module.  


You may have Group Case Consultations that will be completed at your Advanced II training included in your Approval Packet. These Group Case Consultations may also complete your Faculty Hour requirement. These must be noted as “at training” in place of the signature. Only Group Case Consultation (and associated Faculty Hour) credits are eligible for completion at the Advanced II module, all other requirements must be completed upon submission. 


Once you have registered for your Advanced II module and compiled your complete SEP Approval Packet, scan and email the packet you email your packet, title the subject line with your first and last name and “SEP Approval.” i.e. “Jordan Smith SEP Approval.” If submitted prior to the 6-week deadline, your packet may be held for processing until the deadline has passed. If your Approval Packet does not meet the specified guidelines, your packet may be held for continued processing until after your Advanced II module has been completed and your attendance confirmed. 

Training requirements

To graduate from our program and receive the Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner (SEP) Certificate, you must complete 216 contact hours of training (6 to 8 training modules depending on the country). Additionally, you must receive 12 hours of Personal Sessions and 18 Credit Hours of Case Consultations from approved providers. Out of these 18 hours, a minimum of 4 credit hours must be individual and a minimum of 6 credit hours must be with Faculty.  

Please note: 

  • 3 hours of Group Case Consult time counts as 1 credit hour. See the Tuition and Support page for more information. 
  • All modules and associated administrative processes must be completed prior to receiving the SEP Certificate. Certificates may be withheld until such processes (incomplete payment plans or other outstanding fees, waivers, etc.) are completed.
  • If you wish to transfer from a US training to a European training, different training requirements may apply. For more information, see
Provider Lists

SE™ personal session providers, individual case consultation providers, and group case consultation providers are listed by approval level. Before receiving a credited session, please use these lists to ensure that the provider you are using is approved for your current level of training and the type of session or consult you wish to receive.

Lists are updated monthly and some providers may have been approved since the last update. Also, some providers who were previously approved may have been removed from our lists until they sign our new Provider Informed Consent & Release Agreement. If you worked with a provider who was previously approved and who is no longer on our list, you may wish to remind them to sign our agreement so they may continue providing credited sessions. If you have questions regarding the status of a particular provider, If you still have questions, please refer to our contact page.

All credited sessions must be received from providers approved for your current level of training. These sessions must be recorded on a session log form and will start counting for credit on the first day of your Beginning I training.

Session Fees

Session Fees

  • Session fees are set by individual approved providers. This rate applies whether a consult is given during a training or between modules at a private practice location.
  • Personal Session and Individual Case Consult fees are paid directly to the provider.
  • Policies regarding session rates are set by SEI and are reviewed periodically; rates may be subject to change without prior notice. For Scholarship students, the maximum cost for a 1 hour person session is $100.

Group Case Consultation Fees

  • Group case consultation fees are set by the provider. For scholarship students, the maximum cost for Group Case Consultation counting towards the minimum consultation requirement is $75/Credit Hour. Since 3 hours of group consultation equals 1 Credit Hour, the fee should be assessed at $25 per actual hour spent in group consultation.
  • Group Consultations must be received from an approved Group Consult Provider or faculty member.
  • Group Consult fees are paid directly to the provider unless the consultation is organized by SEI's main office.
  • Policies regarding allowable rates for Group Case Consultations are set by SEI and are reviewed periodically; rates may be subject to change without prior notice.
Important Considerations

It is strongly recommended that your personal sessions and consultations are distributed throughout your training in order to receive maximum educational benefit. This will ensure that you are receiving valuable input and support as you progress through your training.

  • If session distribution does not match the recommended distribution, you are still eligible for the SEP certificate as long as the 3-year total session requirements are met.

Providers must be approved for your current level

  • Once you begin the first day of a new level of training, all credited sessions must be received from a provider approved to give sessions and/or consults at your current level of training (e.g. starting the first day of your Intermediate I training, all sessions and consults must be received from approved Intermediate-level providers).
  • Before booking sessions, please verify that the provider is approved for your current training level.
  • We encourage you to obtain sessions from a variety of providers who have been trained by different faculty members so that you may benefit from their diverse experience, education, backgrounds, and styles.

For students who completed the SE™ Training in Europe contact the European Association of SE™ (EASE) at


Need to review a past Beginning II – Advanced I course? We have a great library of past modules to help you review past concepts.


Browse and rent demo videos to enhance your learning in the SE Training Program.


To view the PDF of the questions below, click here. If you still have questions, please refer to our contact page.

What if I have to miss a portion (hour to a day) of the class?

If you need to miss a portion of a live class, you will need to purchase the videos for that module to review the missed materials. The video cost $75 and may be ordered by calling SE International to make payment at +1 303 652-4035. Please contact our office and your local class coordinator as soon as you know that you will be missing a portion of the training so we can plan for your absence. Please note that we are unable to award partial CEs. You will only receive CE credit for that training module if you attend all hours in person.

Is there a way to "fast track" through the SE training program?

We understand and appreciate that you are eager to get going on your training. However, the program is designed to support maximum integration into your existing professional practice. By allowing 2-4 months between modules you have the opportunity to practice the skills learned with your clients, patients, or students in between training modules. During this time, you will be receiving case consultations and your own nervous system will also be adapting to new self-regulatory patterns which is an important part of becoming a competent SE Practitioner. For these reasons, we do not offer the ability to “fast track” through our program.

I have not yet completed the SE training. How can I appropriately advertise my SE practice while I am still in the training?

You are welcome to advertise as an “SE™ Student” and as a longer definition you may say “I am currently a student in the Somatic Experiencing Professional Training Program, seeking to complete the educational and related requirements of the program to use the Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner credential.” Please be sure to use the registered trademark symbol after “Somatic Experiencing®” and the trademark symbol after “SE™.” You may not state that you are an “SE™ Practitioner” as that title is reserved for those who have completed the full training program including the case consults and personal sessions. You will also want to avoid language that may be misleading or over-represent your degree of training and current SE skill set. 

How can I get a replacement or duplicate copy of my SEP certificate?

If you lost your SEP certificate or would like a second copy, we would be happy to send you another one. Please email Rachel Volberding with your name (as you would like it printed) and your mailing address to request a replacement copy.

I have completed the SE Professional Training and would like to review it. Is there a discount for reviewing the program?

We would love to have you review the training with us. Reviewers may re-take any training module at half price. Please note that we will give priority to new students for popular training locations before opening classes to reviewers. Please contact our office to see if we are allowing reviewers into a particular training and to make payment by phone.

Also, we offer review videos for all Beginning through Intermediate modules, available to purchase to any student that has already completed the full module training. To purchase, please visit our Trainings and Events page then select Search US, then select Video Links to purchase.

By when do I have to complete my sessions to receive the SEP certificate?

At this time, we do not have a fixed time limit for completing the session requirements once you complete your Advanced II training. Simply send us a copy of your completed session logs once you have received the required number of Personal Sessions and Case Consultations and we will award your SEP certificate.

Will I receive personal session credit for being a class demonstration participant?

No. Participants cannot receive credit toward their requirements for demos done in class. Class demos are an invaluable part of our training program and participants are encouraged to participate, but they cannot count the demo sessions toward meeting the personal session requirements.

Can I receive credit for personal sessions I received prior to starting the training?

No. Personal sessions and case consultations start counting for credit the first day of your Beginning I training. The personal sessions counting towards your SEP certificate are primarily for educational purposes. As a student in the training you will be receiving sessions with an orientation towards observing how the practitioner utilizes SE techniques.

If I have finished Beginning III and about to start Intermediate I. Am I considered a Beginning student or an Intermediate student for the purposes of receiving sessions?

Until the first day of your Intermediate I training, you are considered a Beginning-level student and sessions can be received from Beginning-level provider until that date.

How do I know if a provider is approved to give credited sessions or case consultations for my level of training?

Before receiving a session or case consultation, please verify on the Enrolled Students section of our website that the provider is approved for your current level of training either as a personal session provider or as a case consultant. Approved provider lists can be found by clicking here. Please note that some providers may believe and promote that they are approved for a particular level, when they are not approved. It is the student’s responsibility to verify that the provider is approved for the correct type and level before receiving sessions.

Where should I send my session logs?

SEP Approval Process In order for a participant to apply for the SEP Certificate, they will need to properly assemble an SEP Approval Packet. This packet will include:

  • A Complete SEP Approval Packet Cover Page
    • This can be found on the ‘Student Forms’ page on the website.
  • Session logs, invoices, or verifiable emails from Approved Providers with required information listed below:
    • Date, Level, Session Type, Length in Hours, Credit Hours, Approved Provider’s name and signature.
      • If the hours logged do not meet these requirements, they will not count toward the hour total.When your SEP Approval Packet is complete, scan and email the packet to When you email your packet, title the subject line with your first and last name and “SEP Approval.” i.e. “Jordan Smith SEP Approval.” SEP Approvals can take up to 3 weeks to process. If the cover page is not filled out or the packet does not meet the specified guidelines, the processing time may be extended. Please keep all session logs until all of your hours have been completed. We are not responsible for retaining incomplete logs. Be sure to always save a copy of your logs for yourself. We are not responsible for lost session logs.
I'm worried I might lost my session logs. Can I send partial session logs for you to keep on file?

We do not have the capacity to store partial session logs for students, so please only send us your logs once you have completed all the training and session requirements. As you will be tracking these documents for up to 3 years, we do recommend that you make a back up copy for yourself. You might consider scanning them and emailing them to yourself, taking high-resolution photos with your phone or camera, or using an online document storage service such as Dropbox or Google Drive.

What happens if I did not get all the recommended sessions at a lower level of training?

Though it is strongly recommended that you distribute your sessions/consults throughout your training as outlined on your session log form, it is not required. If, for example, you only received 3 personal sessions during your Beginning level, you cannot “make up” a 4th session with a Beginning-level provider after you have started Intermediate I. You will now simply get an extra session from an Intermediate provider during your Intermediate year or from an Advanced provider during your Advanced year. It is important that the providers you receive your credited sessions/consults from are approved for your current level of training. To award the SEP certificate, we are looking to see that a student has met the three-year session/consult totals and that there have been some sessions and consults received each year.