Dea Parsanishi*

Dea Parsanishi


Master's in Education, Body-oriented Psychotherapist, Certified Canadian Counsellor

As a body psychotherapist who has worked with traumatized humans for 30 years and as a human impacted by trauma, I am passionate about teaching and learning how humans heal from trauma.

I live on the west coast of Vancouver Island where I work as a trauma therapist. Prior to that, I worked on the front lines with traumatized children, youth and adults.

A large portion of my clinical practice is with complex trauma, early developmental trauma, attachment and intergenerational trauma.

Currently, I teach SE™ in Canada, the US and Japan.

As the child of Japanese-Canadian and white-Canadian parents, I have lived and worked across culture all my life. As well, I have been blessed to work in a number of First Nations communities and was taught how communities survive multi-generational trauma, the importance of spirituality in healing, and the overlap between SE™ and some traditional ways of healing. These personal experiences inform my understanding of culture, race, racism and marginalization and impact how I support healing within these experiences.

I work from a body-oriented perspective, incorporating SE™, movement, touch and touch awareness in my practice. I am available for faculty consults and the occasional in-person personal session.

Also, vital parts of my life include my family, playing in the ocean and the rainforest and dancing with others.


Offers Individual Case Consults to SE Students

Instructor Level: SE Professional Training Faculty
Teaching In: North America, Japan
Levels Taught: Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced

Teaching in:

Port Alberni, BC

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