Applications of SE: Embodied Recovery for Eating Disorders with Rachel Lewis-Marlow, MS, EdS, LCMHC, LMBT

Eating disorders are complex, multi-layered and pernicious. Many current evidenced-based, best practice treatments, focusing on how a person perceives, feels and thinks about their body, have limited long-term outcomes. The body itself is often avoided, overlooked or even ignored as a primary access route for change and recovery. This webinar introduces the somatic experiencing community to a comprehensive approach to ED recovery which brings the body to the forefront to treatment.
Embodied Recovery for Eating Disorders is a trauma-informed, attachment-based and somatically integrative approach to supporting ED recovery. Through a multidisciplinary lens that includes Polyvagal Theory and Somatic Experiencing, ERED addresses the role of neurological regulation and somatic organization in the development of and recovery from eating disorders. The ERED lens illuminates the impact of interrelated somatic scaffolds of defense, attachment and sensory processing on a person’s relationship with food, feeding and eating,
During this webinar, Rachel will introduce participants to the foundational principles of ERED, explain the impact of dysregulation on the many and complex behaviors involved with taking in nourishment and discuss the essential role that Somatic Experiencing Practitioners can play as members of an eating disorders treatment team.
This webinar is 1 hour and 41 minutes long.