Integrating Somatic Experiencing Touch Work into a Manual Therapy Practice – Lael Keen, SEP, CAR, RMP, AAT, BMVE, SE Faculty

Integrating Somatic Experiencing Touch Work into a Manual Therapy Practice – Lael Keen, SEP, CAR, RMP, AAT, BMVE, SE Faculty


This webinar is designed for Somatic Experiencing® students and practitioners who work primarily with touch and it is meant to answer the question that Lael so often hears in the Advanced 2 module of the training “How do I integrate Somatic Experiencing® touch work into my Manual Therapy/Massage Therapy etc. practice?”

We will start by reviewing the parameters of Coherence Touch. What is coherence? What are the physiological markers of coherence? How do we feel coherence with our hands? How do we invite coherence when it’s opposite–the chaos of trauma—prevails? This is intended to be a review of some of the material in the Advanced 2 module of the Somatic Experiencing® training and to take the students’ understanding of calling forth coherence through touch another step forward.

We will then discuss different aspects of integrating Somatic Experiencing® into Manual Therapy, how to use words and tracking while touching the body and how to integrate coherence touch within the context of a session from another modality. We will also have a discussion about changing the contract with our clients if we believe that they will be better served by doing an entire session of Somatic Experiencing® touch work.

This webinar is 1 hour 27 minutes long.
