Story from SE™ Organizer in Kenya, Wanjiku Mwangi, SEP™

by | Aug 30, 2024 | FEATURED STORIES


                                    “Trauma is a fact of life. It however does not have to be a life sentence.”

                                                                                 Dr. Peter Levine

Trauma is a universal phenomenon and it therefore follows that healing of trauma is a universal need. To this end there are numerous healing modalities that exist to help different people of the world to help bring wholeness. At the same time the definitions and diagnosis of trauma differ across the board, yet all agree that trauma does indeed exist, it does affect individuals and communities, affecting quality of life and livelihoods. Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a healing modality developed by Dr. Peter Levine. SE is a body-oriented modality that helps heal trauma and other stress disorders. It is the result of the multidisciplinary study of stress physiology, psychology, ethology, biology, neuroscience, indigenous healing practices, and medical biophysics, with more than 45 years of successful application.

My name is Wanjîkū J. Kîarîe (M.Div, SD, SEPTM) from Nairobi, Kenya. I first heard of the term Somatic Experiencing during a Thomas Huebl training. I don't quite remember the individual who brought this modality to the conversation at the time, but I was intrigued enough to google about it and seek to learn more. At the time in 2021, I was already a committed student of Thomas Huebl and I felt I needed a female teacher from the Global Majority world. So I searched in the SE world and landed on Dada Efu Nyaki and the rest is history. I reached out to her and we were able to have initial conversations where she answered my questions and gave me a lot of insight and guidance on the Somatic Experiencing trauma healing modality.

In 2022, Somatic Experiencing Institute (SEI) offered their first online BIPOC Cohort which I applied for and was accepted into. The Faculty was Dada Efu Nyaki assisted by Francine Kelley and a phenomenal group of Assistants including the amazing Yeliz Can who became my SE Angel. My SE journey in the company of students from the global majority world was such a stretching, beautiful and enriching journey. We undertook our Advanced level under Dea Parsanishi who graciously completed the journey with and for most members of our cohort.

I have been in the healing space in an ever growing capacity for the last 15+ years; practicing as a Teacher, Spiritual Companion and Integrated Healer. Learning and practicing/ incorporating the Somatic Experiencing Trauma Healing modality in my work has greatly changed my own healing journey as well as the healing journeys of my clients. I am very grateful for the wisdom, foresightedness and gift that is Dr. Peter Levine as well as the institution of SEI. The SE Trauma Healing modality works with clients to close the loop on traumatic happenings by finishing their responses. SE is anchored in the clients body and using SIBAM (Sentations, Imagery, Behaviour, Affect and Meaning) following the techniques of TRIPODS (Titration, Resource, Integration, Pendulation, Organisation, Discharge Stabilization) with the SE practitioner following ROSE (Resonance, Observe, Self-Report, Educate) to guide the sessions.

Since my graduation in December 2023 and subsequent conference of the Somatic Experiencing Practitioner title, I have become an Assistant in the SE field as well as an Organiser for the Somatic Experiencing Practitioner Training in Nairobi, Kenya. These training in Nairobi, Kenya will be in person and Dada Efu Nyaki will be the Faculty for all three levels (Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced). The training will run from January 2025 – December 2026. We are already accepting registration for the same

Having undertaken most of my SE training online and then traveled to Georgia, USA for the Advanced level, I am really excited to be able to bring this most transformative training back home. My aim is to make these training accessible to those who need it, in person and also at affordable rates. Bringing SE Training in Kenya also opens up awareness of this healing modality in the East African region.




Wanjîkū J. Kîarîe (M.Div, SD, SEP™)

SE™ Organizer