Dear Global Somatic Experiencing Community, As the summer in the northern hemisphere ends, and children...
Letter from SE™ Interim Executive Director, Rebecca Stahl
Dear Global Somatic Experiencing Community, I recently returned from my third trip to the European Association...
Letter from SE™ CSS Project Manager, Kianna Pierson
Dear Global SE Community, This May, SEI held two Crisis Stabilization and Safety: Peer Support Trainings in...
Letter from SE™ Board Chair, Michele Solloway, SEP, LMT, MPA, PhD
Dear Global SE Community, As we head into the summer, it is a time of unfolding and expansion. The flowers...
A Message From The SE™ Edmonton Equitable Access Scholarship Team
Dear Global Somatic Experiencing Community, Becoming a Somatic Experience Practitioner is a significant financial...
Letter from SE™ Interim Executive Director, Rebecca Stahl
Dear Global Somatic Experiencing Community, I have been the Interim Executive Director of Somatic Experiencing...
Letter from SE™ Interim Executive Director, Rebecca Stahl
Dear Global SE Community, It has been some time since I have written one of these letters, and it feels fitting...
Letter from SE™ Senior Manager of Engagement & Marketing, Rebecca Schwartz
Dear Global SE Community, I believe feedback is a gift. When we receive feedback from someone, it’s a sign that they...
Letter from SE™ Board Chair, Michele Solloway, PhD, LMT, MPA, SEP
Dear Global SE Community, We are passing through the fall equinox here in the northern hemisphere, a time where...