Celebrating 30 Years of Somatic Experiencing®: Reflecting on Impact and Looking Ahead

by | May 24, 2024 | FEATURED STORIES

This year marks an incredible milestone as Somatic Experiencing® International celebrates its 30th anniversary. Over the past three decades, SE™ has expanded its global reach, bringing the power of nervous system regulation to hundreds of thousands through our transformative professional trainings and outreach programs.

As we reflect on how far we've come, we are reminded of the profound impact SE™ has had on countless lives. Each person touched by this work carries a powerful story of healing and transformation. 

In 2003, Alaine Duncan felt called to bring SE™ to the military community after hearing the tragic story of a Marine veteran lost to suicide. She partnered with SEI to establish a training program that has graduated hundreds of practitioners equipped to support healing among veterans and their families. Learn more about Alaine's journey.

Another SEP™, Andrea Bell, discovered through SE™ training that healing trauma within the nervous system could help address our global crises. Combining SE™ with ecotherapy, they developed the emerging field of Ecosomatics to explore how body-based practices can help heal our relationship with the planet. Read her story here and Discover the potential of Ecosomatics.

These are just two examples among thousands of the visionary work SEP™s are doing at the intersection of healing, accessibility, and sustainability. As we celebrate 30 years of SE™, we honor all that our global community has achieved. 

As Somatic Experiencing® International moves forward, we remain committed to providing accessible, culturally responsive education to meet the evolving needs of our community. Here are some of the exciting learning opportunities and partnerships on the horizon:

This fall, we launch the first-ever SE™ training cohort designed specifically for Deaf, hard-of-hearing, and ASL-fluent professionals to expand culturally responsive care for the Deaf community. Learn more and register.

Through our new partnership with Unyte Health, you can now discover how combining the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) with SE™ can enhance client outcomes by strengthening the foundation for regulation. Get the free infographic

At the Sacred Restoration retreat this August, participants can experience the healing power of SE™ combined with yoga, meditation, and nature immersion to support the journey of coming home to wholeness after trauma. Learn more about Alaine's journey.

Immerse yourself in these offerings and more to deepen your skills and make a meaningful difference in the lives you touch. We invite you to explore our upcoming training, share your own SE™ story, and join us in co-creating a future of healing, resilience, and connection.